With the impending winter weather, we want to help ensure everyone’s safety this weekend. Please keep the following things in mind:
If possible, plan to attend Holy Mass Saturday evening. St. John is adding a 4pm in addition to the 5:30 pm on Saturday 1/4. St. Francis Borgia also has 4 PM Mass and Our Lady of Lourdes has 5 PM.
There will be no 10:30 Mass on Sunday 1/5 due to anticipated low attendance and it being the middle of the storm!
If you are not able to attend Mass on Saturday evening, please note that the obligation to attend Mass is lifted in the event that it is not safe or possible to get to Church. On Sunday, if the roads are bad or your sidewalks are slick, please do not risk your safety or that of others trying to drive to Church.
The Divine Commandment to Keep Holy the Sabbath Day, however, is never lifted. If you aren’t able to attend Sunday Mass because of the weather, please consider praying a Rosary with your family or reading through Sunday’s Scripture readings.
Special Emergency Mass Schedule
Saturday 1/4
4PM Vigil Mass
4:40-5:15 Confession
5:30 PM Vigil Mass
Sunday 1/5
7 AM Mass
8:30 Mass
God Bless you and keep you safe!
~The Priests